Motherhood Mondays: Loving Your Body Despite its Flaws


So often I let the negative voice in my head get to me. I look in the mirror and just see the baby weight I have yet to lose or the things I’ve always disliked about my body. But then I see pictures like this and the way my baby girl is looking at me, and it puts everything into perspective. She doesn’t see skinny or fat. Ugly or pretty. Baby weight or bad hair days. All she sees is her momma who loves her. And so I think, how can I be unhappy with my body? It may not be perfect, but it gives my daughter what she needs. This body of mine – regardless of its flaws – carried her for 37 1/2 weeks, went to hell and back to bring her into this world, feeds her, carries her, comforts her, bathes her, changes her, plays with her, prays for her, loves her. What more could I ask for?  Thank you, my sweet little Caroline, for once again reminding your momma what’s really important.

I now pass the reminder along to you. Mom or not. Woman or not. I encourage you to not see your “flaws” but instead think of all the hundreds of things your body does, and the next time that ugly voice rears its head calling out your imperfections, tell it to go to hell. Cut yourself some slack. Your body does way too much for you, and it deserves better. And so do you.

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