Author: Becky

Motherhood Mondays: Breastfeeding + Lactation Recipes

I want to preface this post by saying it is not about trying to convince anyone to breastfeed or bashing those who don’t. Whether you breastfeed or not is a personal choice, and each mom has to do what works for her and her baby. And for the records, I hate seeing moms bash other moms for choosing not to breastfeed. Worry about your boobs and your baby and leave other moms alone.

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{breastfeeding at the hospital}

With that said, prior to having my little girl, I was not adament about breastfeeding and quite frankly didn’t think it was for me. The first few months were not easy and filled with painful, tear-filled moments. But once I start something, I don’t like to quit. Little by little it got easier and easier and now nearly 5 months later, I’m still breastfeeding my little one and actually enjoy it. I never thought I’d get emotional about stopping (at the beginning I couldn’t wait until I didn’t have to breastfeed anymore), but now the idea of eventually not doing it makes me sad. I love those little moments, just me and her. The way she looks up and gives me a big milky smile when she’s done or how she coos to get my attention if I’m looking out the window instead of at her. It’s a special moment I try to cherish as much as possible because I know eventually and before I know it, she’ll be a big girl eating food, and I’ll never get those moments back again {officially choking back tears now}.

There were a couple of days early last week that I felt like my little one just wasn’t getting enough milk, and I immediately started doing research on what I could do. Thankfully, milk supply’s never been an issue for me, so this was all new to me.

If you’re planning to breastfeed or struggling with it now, check back in the next couple weeks as I share what helped me(plus some tips on favorite nursing…If In the meantime, here are a couple of recipes I’ve found that worked in giving milk supply a boost.

COOKIES The cookies (recipe here) are good and can be addicting. I made half of the batter with m&ms and the other half with dark chocolate chips. Both were very good – though I liked the ones with m&ms better – and go great with coffee, another mommy must-have! Because the recipe calls for a lot of butter and sugar, I decided on making myself a healthier alternative…the lactation smoothie.

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SMOOTHIE The smoothie recipe is based off of different ones I found online. It makes for a great breakfast. It’s quick to whip up (helpful when you’re taking care of your little one), tastes good and keeps me full for quite a while, AND I can feel good about what I’m putting in my body. Below is my personal favorite + a few variations of it to keep things interesting!

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  • Mix the following ingredients into a blender + enjoy:
    • 1 cup almond milk
    • 1/3 cup rolled oats (no need to cook them first, just toss them in)
    • 2 tbsp almond butter
    • 1 tbsp brewers yeast**
    • 1 tbsp flax meal
    • 1 banana
    • 1 tsp honey
    • a dash or two of cinnamon (I only like a little bit)
    • ice
  • A few variations that provide the same benefits but with different flavor(s):
    • add yogurt
    • add strawberries
    • replace banana with your favorite berry(s): strawberry, raspberry, blueberry
    • omit almond butter

**key ingredient for increasing milk supply

Motherhood Mondays: {Two} 4-Month Essentials

While I’m still new to this whole mommyhood thing – and do not consider myself an expert by any means – I’m learning what works for us, and  I’ve found that these items make life with a 4-month old a little easier.


  • carrier | BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Active | Though I initially found this carrier to feel a bit bulky when she was smaller, I can’t say enough good things about it now. Baby girl loves hanging out in it (no pun intended). She’s so alert, curious and into absolutely everything, and this carrier allows her to feel more involved while keeping my hands free… which means fun times shopping at Target and mommy & me afternoon baking sessions (don’t worry, I don’t get anywhere near the oven while she’s with me). This model in particular is made for the parent on the go and provides additional back support making it extra comfortable.
  • jumper | Fisher Price Go Wild Jumperoo (similar here) | There’s nothing this momma needs more first thing in the morning than a snuggle with my little one and a big cup of coffee. However, I don’t want to drink hot coffee while holding her because there’s always the possibility, especially with how active she is now, that I can spill it on her. So we’ve created this fun little routine where I prepare my coffee as soon as she’s done feeding, and I place her in the jumper…allowing me time to enjoy my coffee while still being able to interact and play with her without the worries of  spills. This jumperoo in particular has different sounds and settings and so many way she can interact. She loves it!

A Sweet Spot in our Home: Baby Girl’s Nursery


As soon as I found out we were having a girl, I knew I wanted to create a whimsical and feminine room. The Sheepish Collection by Gingiber for The Land of Nod was the very first thing I chose. {I’d fallen in love since the first time I was pregnant.} Some of my favorite details are the world map — a random Home Goods find, the Good Hare Day mirror and the little unicorn, as well as some personal touches like dried flowers from the baby shower on her nightstand and the painting my sister made {which was designed after the baby shower invitations}. I also wanted to ensure that our pup, Penelope, always feels like she has a place in our family, so I made sure the room had a spot for her too. While I’m still hoping to get a Horrible Adorable in there somewhere, I love the serene setting we’ve created. {A big thank you to the Mr. who painstakingly stenciled the walls as I was too pregnant to do so}. While I look forward to watching her grow up and develop her own taste and personality, I hope that one day she’ll look back and love her little nursery as much as I do.

Thank you to our friend and photographer, Lulu {Photos by Lulu}, for photographing her room for us!
C3M-64 C3M-90 C3M-91

{These paper flowers from Target add a sweet touch to the door of her room.}C3M-77 C3M-68 C3M-69 C3M-73 C3M-74 C3M-89 C3M-87 C3M-92 get-attachment-5.aspxC3M-70{A photo of the first time I held her.}C3M-71 C3M-72 {My mom had flowers sent to the hospital when she was born. The arrangement came with this adorable sheep.}C3M-84 {Flowers from the baby shower.}C3M-65

{This shelf holds some of my favorite items: a whimsical unicorn and doll; a postcard by one of my favorite artists; a painting my sister made for me, modeled after the baby shower invitations; and a bunny that her Daddy and I bought for her on Valentine’s Day, a month before she was born.}C3M-66C3M-78{I love that the Gingiber collection includes a black sheep.}
C3M-75 C3M-82 C3M-83 C3M-80 C3M-81 C3M-96 {These baskets were another random Home Goods find, which happened to match perfectly with her room and have been a real life saver for organizing. Her room and closet are small, so we’ve had to make the most of every space.}C3M-95 C3M-99 C3M-100

{ If you like any of the items pictured, you can shop them here.}

Motherhood Mondays: Loving Your Body Despite its Flaws


So often I let the negative voice in my head get to me. I look in the mirror and just see the baby weight I have yet to lose or the things I’ve always disliked about my body. But then I see pictures like this and the way my baby girl is looking at me, and it puts everything into perspective. She doesn’t see skinny or fat. Ugly or pretty. Baby weight or bad hair days. All she sees is her momma who loves her. And so I think, how can I be unhappy with my body? It may not be perfect, but it gives my daughter what she needs. This body of mine – regardless of its flaws – carried her for 37 1/2 weeks, went to hell and back to bring her into this world, feeds her, carries her, comforts her, bathes her, changes her, plays with her, prays for her, loves her. What more could I ask for?  Thank you, my sweet little Caroline, for once again reminding your momma what’s really important.

I now pass the reminder along to you. Mom or not. Woman or not. I encourage you to not see your “flaws” but instead think of all the hundreds of things your body does, and the next time that ugly voice rears its head calling out your imperfections, tell it to go to hell. Cut yourself some slack. Your body does way too much for you, and it deserves better. And so do you.

POM Sunday

Happy Monday!

This past weekend I had the opportunity to bake for the pom pom + mobile making workshop by Dee Haim at Wynwood Letterpress. We thought it’d be fun to have some themed treats, so I made {baked} glazed funfetti donuts, cake batter cheesecake dip with graham crackers, gluten-free coconut chocolate chip cookies {not themed but too good not to make} and white peach sangria. To add an extra {themed} touch, I made pom pom picks for the snacks. I was beyond thrilled that everyone seemed to like them and was happy to have the opportunity to attend the workshop.

You should definitely be following the pom queen herself and be sure to swing by Wynwood Letterpress – it’s the cutest shop! {They made my baby showers invitations!}

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P.S. Making a cute pom is harder than it looks!

POM Sunday


And just like that it’s been several weeks since I’ve posted anything! I’m now back to work and busier than ever (but still making sure I carve out PLENTY of time for my little one!). I’m also making time for extracurriculars…like baking for this Sunday’s pom pom + mobile making workshop led by Dana Haim over at Wynwood Letterpress. Here’s a peek at the poms and one of the sweet treats I’ll be making {I’ll also be making an iteration of this}. Want to attend? Register HERE. {And hurry! Space is limited.} Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 3.31.43 PM Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 3.31.26 PM

Dressing Like a Grown Up

banana republic

A few years ago I enjoyed dressing up. Looking through my closet, remixing pieces…it was fun. I knew who I was and let my wardrobe reflect it. These days I stare – usually annoyed – at what’s there. Partially because I’m still about 12 pounds away from my pre-baby weight and so much of my closet still doesn’t fit and partially because I don’t identify with a lot of what’s there anymore and feel a little lost.

Maybe it’s because I’m 30 or because I have a baby and I’m a mom, or because I need to feel like I at least look like I’ve got it together, but when it comes to my style I’ve noticed myself wanting to look more grown up. Not like bad mom jeans and a mini-van grown up but like an effortless/cool/stylish grown up.

As I’ve gone re-introducing myself to the non-maternity clothes shopping world, I find myself gravitating towards more streamlined, classic pieces. I used to go out and rather than buy the item I really wanted, I’d get whatever was on sale because it was cheaper. Now, rather than get three pieces I only kinda’ sorta’ want, I’ll hold out for that one piece I really want {while still maintaining within my budget}…pieces I know will fit in seamlessly with the rest of my wardrobe and will easily work with several items in my closet.

My taste in accessories has also evolved. Previously a lover of statement pieces, I now find that simple, understated pieces are all I wear. And like with my wardrobe, I’d now rather have a few great pieces that will last a lifetime over countless costume items that I’ll leave behind with each passing trend and season.

Because I can’t simply head out and completely redo my wardrobe, I’m making a shopping list to ensure I stay focused on getting those key pieces. Here are just a few of the items topping my list — the classic, foundation pieces upon which I can build that grown up wardrobe.

shopping list

pumps | blouse | rings striped top bangle high waisted jeans | bucket bag trench coat | flats 

Pumps: The most comfortable {and stylish} pumps I’ve ever owned were a Charles David pair in red I found at Marshall’s many years ago. Though I’ve long since parted with those, I’ve always been on the hunt for a similar pair. These polka dot ones are a fun twist on this classic shoe.

Blouse: I love a good menswear look, and this has long been one of my favorite style blouses to achieve that look {not to be confused with this style}. Though this particular iteration is a bit {and by a bit, I mean A LOT} out of my budget, I’m hoping to find something similar.

Delicate jewelry: These simple, understated pieces go with absolutely everything and are unfussy {a must, now with baby here}.

Striped top: Doing the whole casual but not bummy thing always proves to be a challenge for me. Always a fan of stripes, this structured top seems to make it a lot easier.

High waisted jeans: A modern twist on  a vintage style, this high waisted pair is an instant update to denim.

Bucket bag: A go-everywhere bucket bag in a sleek design and neutral color will easily go from work to weekend and back again.

Trench coat: While wearing a full length trench coat feels a little too New York to wear in Miami, this shorter version is just right for our unpredictable weather.

Flats: A pair that is equal parts chic and comfortable and every bit as stylish as heels.

red, ice and blue


Here’s an easy way to add some color and flavor to your water this 4th of July {and all summer long}.

  1. get an ice cube tray
  2. drop in your favorite berries
  3. fill with water
  4. pop into the freezer

When you’re ready for a refreshing glass of water, preferably on a sunny day by the pool, drop in the ice cubes. They’ll keep your water cool and as they melt, infuse your glass with subtle berry flavor. Plus, they add a nice little pop of color to an otherwise boring glass of H2O.



Motherhood Mondays: What I Learned from my First Baby


If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen photos of my sweet little girl. My heart bursts with joy every time I look at her. And although it’s difficult to encapsulate an experience like this in a blog post {it feels as though these words won’t do my experience justice}, because social media paints an unbalanced portrait of life, I thought I’d share the story of my first baby. The one whose life was too short to make it to social media but was long enough to make an everlasting impact on me.

It all started on October 31, 2013 when I took a pregnancy test after work and confirmed what my gut already knew…I was pregnant! After several months of disappointment, we’d gotten the news we wanted. A doctor’s appointment later reinforced the news…we were having a baby! Finding out I was pregnant was like getting on a rollercoaster. There were ups and downs, feelings of fear and exhilaration. Your life takes on this whole new forward momentum. I started being included in group mommy texts among our friends. People took on an entirely new interest in my well-being {How are you feeling? How far along are you?} All the exciting parent-to-be questions filled my conversations with Eddie {Will it be a boy or a girl? What will we name them? Who will they look like?}.

The signs of something gone wrong were there from the beginning, but I was either too naive or in denial. I’m still not sure which. The first ultrasound indicated the baby was measuring behind what it should. I remember the ultrasound tech emphatically saying, “Only tell people you absolutely have to tell. It’s still really early on.” Although I’ve always known it’s best to wait until after at least 12 weeks to share the news, it struck me as odd that she would so adamantly give those instructions. But after hearing our little one’s heartbeat, I ignored any inclinations and all worries went out the window. In that moment, there was no room in me for anything but happiness.

A few days before Thanksgiving, I started spotting. It wasn’t bright red blood but rather a few dark spots, which I’d heard were “old blood” and nothing to be alarmed over. So I ignored it. Thanksgiving seemed extra special, imagining our little one joining us at the table the following year. The next day we opted out of the Black Friday mall madness and spent the day visiting family and friends. It was that night that it happened. I was bleeding. This time it was bright red. I told Eddie and proceeded to call the after hours line at my doctor’s office. They told me to come in the next day. I think deep down I knew. But it’s the sort of thing that makes you feel so sad you think it can’t possibly be true. As we lay in bed, we kept saying, “It’s probably nothing. I’m sure everything’s okay.” Though I’m not sure how much either of us believed it. I managed to fall asleep, and we woke up early the next day and headed to the doctor.

The office was empty and unbearably cold when we arrived. We sat in silence waiting for them to see us. My heart raced as they called us in. I said a quick prayer as I climbed onto the examination table, and they began the ultrasound. I stared at the screen. I searched the technician’s face. Then the screen. I got a silent, deadpan stare from both. I’d half expected her to smile and say “Ah, here’s the heartbeat. See, nothing to worry about.” But instead she stood, with a solemn look on her face, and said she needed to speak to the doctor. Eddie and I sat in silence until she returned and checked again. Still, nothing. The steady “thump thump thump thump” we’d heard just the week before was replaced with an excruciatingly loud silence. I felt my face get hot. I was scared to look at Eddie. Scared the pain in his face would confirm what I knew. I looked at him wide-eyed. We said nothing. We were then escorted to another room to speak to the doctor. I felt my face scrunch up into the ugly cry before she could even open her mouth. I just stared at the floor, tears pouring over my cheeks as she spoke. As my face grew hotter, the buzzing in my ears grew louder, but I still managed to pick up a few things she said. “You’re over 8 weeks, but the baby is only measuring 6 weeks 4 days.”…. “You’ll go to the hospital on Monday for a D & C to remove it.” It was really all a blur. I don’t remember the walk down the hall or the elevator ride. I just remember standing at the passenger door of Eddie’s red mustang and crying. And just as I was climbing into the car, I felt it. God’s voice saying, “it’s going to be okay.” And though the ache still burned in my chest, deep down inside I believed it.

For months I tortured myself, replaying the video of our baby’s heartbeat over and over. The mommy group texts stopped. No one asked how I was anymore. No one ever wanted to talk about it. If I brought it up, people were quick to change the subject. I assume it’s because they felt uncomfortable or were worried I’d get sad, but nothing felt more sad than not talking about it. It broke my heart to treat it as if it’d never happened, as if my baby had never existed. It’s as if I’d been kicked off the roller coaster. The excitement came to a sudden, painful stop and life seemed to stand still.

In the months that followed, I attended 6 baby showers. The first just 5 days after the surgery to remove the baby. Part of me wanted to run the other way. It hurt to attend. To see people celebrating babies, when I’d just lost mine. But rather than hide, I jumped in. I offered my help. I did mom-to-be’s hair, brainstormed ideas, helped set up, prepared favors. Because carrying my baby – even that short time – opened up a previously untapped source of love in me, that now needed to be redirected. I pictured my teeny tiny baby in heaven looking down on me, and I wanted to be a person, a mom, that they could be proud of. Not someone who hid away but rather someone who charged forward.

Please know that I’m not trying to paint myself as a Mother Theresa. I threw myself countless pity parties and sobbed every time I found out someone was pregnant {which at the time, it felt like everyone was} because while I would NEVER wish my experience on anyone, it pained me that everyone seemed to be getting their baby except me {the main theme in my pity parties}.

While it was one of the hardest times of my life, I thank God every day for that baby. I learned so much about myself, about love.  It pushed me to be a better person. It brought Eddie and I closer than we’d ever been. And it taught me about God’s peace, and what it means. In that moment when I felt God telling me it was going to be okay, I felt the peace that passes all understanding. Something I’d heard all my life but never fully understood until then. I learned it’s not that peace cancels out the pain. It’s that peace exists in spite of it. It reigns you back in when the sadness feels like it will take over. It’s the firm bed of rock over which the tumultuous river of emotions rushes. Who would’ve thought that little life, no matter how brief, could teach its momma all of that?


Although I’m typically against baby bump photos, I secretly took this one, excited to compare it to future months’ photos, not knowing our baby’s heart had already stopped.

Banana Almond Smoothie


I came across this recipe (over on this blog) a while back. I’ve recently rediscovered my love for it and thought I’d share. I simply upped it to an entire banana, modifying it from its original kid-friendly half. It’s easy, healthy and perfect for when you’re hungry but don’t have a whole lotta’ time. Just throw the three ingredients into a blender with some ice and voila!

Happy snacking!